Sustainability challenge and related SDGs
The world’s population is aging and it is estimated that by 2050 for the first time in human history there will be more older people (age 60 years and older) than younger people (age 15 years and under). Due to the changing age structure of the overall population, the proportion of old people with long-term conditions increases.
Common health conditions associated with ageing include hearing loss, diabetes, depression or dementia among others. Another issue older people often face is ageism - discrimination against a person on the basis of their age. It is a widespread phenomenon that can have serious consequences on the health of the elderly. Addressing these issues is an important milestone towards the achievement of SDG 3 “Good Health and Well-Being”.
Possible solutions and their contribution to achieving the SDGs
Although more and more people stay healthy and independent for a long time, the rise in life expectancy is associated with a growing need for specific care for older people (#SeniorCare). It is estimated that by 2050, the number of older people who need support for their daily routine will increase fourfold. In many parts of the world, the older generation used to be taken care at home by their children.

As cultural habits and mentalities change, retirement or nursing homes have developed as solutions to take care of old people. This type of #HealthInfrastructure is worth for the well-being of the elderly.
Skilled nursing personal as well as the development of home help services and care are also key for the well-being of the older generation. Health and pension insurances and policies should also include living-related services as well as prevention in their coverage to better serve ageing consumers and offer them affordable and accessible solutions.
Primarily related SDG Targets: 3.8, 3.c.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 11.1, 11.5, 11.7

Investment Rationale and Growth Potential
As aging is one of the biggest drivers for healthcare demand, the need for #SeniorCare will continue to increase, e.g., by building new facilities for seniors, training dedicated healthcare personal or adapting health insurances.
Investing in #HealthInfrastructure such as nursing and retirement homes is good for the well-being of the ageing population as well as a good investment opportunity over the long-term. #SeniorCare also includes access to affordable health and pension insurances.