

Discover our investment products

What makes up an impactful portfolio?

Do more with your investments. Our impactful investment strategies maximise your potential returns. With us, you invest in innovative technologies and future-oriented industries (e.g., in e-education, cyber security, or medical research and development).

A structured
investment process


Support important causes

We invest from an investment universe of solution providers that rank high on our proprietary SDG Impact Rating.


Certified impactful investments

We select the companies based on financial quality and attractive valuation (quality-at-a-reasonable price approach)

Based on the 17 
UN Sustain­able
 Develop­ment Goals

Based on the 17 UN Sustainable Goals

Our portfolio construction aims for broad diversification, reducing risks and maximising financial quality.

A team of experts behind you

A team of experts behind you

We actively engage with our invested companies and vote to drive impact and financial performance.

Choose from our actively
managed funds

Our offer

Swiss Sustainable Equities

Our investment funds are designed for people seeking opportunities to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals by financing companies that provide impactful products and services. The fund’s objective is to seek long-term competitive returns by investing in a broadly diversified portfolio of Swiss-based companies that make a positive contribution to the SDGs.

  • Sustainability assessment based on radicant’s unique SDG-alignment methodology.
  • Explicit sustainability objective with Swiss-based companies making an overall positive contribution to the UN SDGs and therefore to real-word problems.
  • Classified as the cutting-edge Article 9 standard (“Dark Green”) according to the EU SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation).
  • Multi-stage investment process yielding broadly diversified portfolios with a focus on financial quality based on a dynamic multi-factor model with ~50 key historical performance drivers
  • Sustainability risk taken into consideration – See Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts Reporting below.
Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts ReportingDownload product factsheetFurther fund information

Our offer

Global Sustainable Bonds

Our investment funds are designed for people seeking opportunities to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals by financing companies that provide impactful products and services. The fund’s objective is to seek long-term competitive returns by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of selected issuers, that make a positive contribution to the SDGs, and Green and Social bonds.

  • Sustainability assessment based on radicant’s unique SDG-alignment methodology.
  • Explicit sustainability objective with global companies making an overall positive contribution to the UN SDGs and therefore to real-word problems.
  • Aligned with the cutting-edge Article 9 standard (“Dark Green”) according to the EU SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation).
  • Multi-stage investment process yielding broadly diversified portfolios with a focus on financial quality based on a dynamic multi-factor model with ~50 key historical performance drivers.
  • Favouring green and other labelled bonds to help achieve sustainability objectives like e.g. the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • Sustainability risk taken into consideration. See Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts Reporting below.
Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts ReportingDownload product factsheetFurther fund information

Our offer

Global Sustainable Equities

Our investment funds are designed for people seeking opportunities to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals by financing companies that provide impactful products and services. The fund’s objective is to seek long-term competitive returns by investing in a globally diversified portfolio of companies that make a positive contribution to the SDGs.

  • Sustainability assessment based on radicant’s unique SDG-alignment methodology.
  • Explicit sustainability objective with global companies making an overall positive contribution to the UN SDGs and therefore to real-word problems.
  • Classified as the cutting-edge Article 9 standard (“Dark Green”) according to the EU SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation).
  • Multi-stage investment process yielding broadly diversified portfolios with a focus on financial quality based on a dynamic multi-factor model with ~50 key historical performance drivers.
  • Sustainability risk taken into consideration – See Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts Reporting below.
Principal Adverse Sustainability Impacts ReportingDownload product factsheetFurther fund information

Discover our actively
managed investment

Basic Needs
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Basic Needs

Basic Needs

Promotes SDGs 1, 2, and 16, which aim to eradicate global poverty and hunger and advance peace and justice for all.  Based on our assessment, we select companies that provide solutions in, for example:

  • affordable housing
  • access to finance
  • access to healthcare
  • access to education
  • crime prevention
  • cybersecurity

Investment rationale: migration triggered by climate change, poverty, hunger, and war should increasingly strengthen the focus on meeting basic needs worldwide.

Good Health & Well-being
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Good Health & Well-being

Good Health & Well-being

Promotes SDG 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and foster well-being worldwide at all ages.

Based on our assessment, we select companies that provide solutions in, for example:

  • health diagnostics
  • vaccines
  • medical research
  • healthcare infrastructure

Investment rationale: the ageing world population, increasing awareness around health and recognition of the growing threat of infectious diseases.

Quality Education
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Quality Education

Quality Education

Promotes SDG 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and foster lifelong learning opportunities for all. Based on our assessment, we select companies that provide solutions in, for example:

  • online education
  • dissemination of knowledge
  • access to education for broad segments of the population  

Investment rationale: the increasing importance of knowledge in a technologised economy and recognition that science and education are the basis of any sustainable development.

Gender Equality
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Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Promotes SDG 5, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls worldwide.

Based on our assessment, we select companies that provide solutions in, for example:

  • contraception
  • hygiene products
  • childcare
  • access to finance  

or are among the best employers for women.

Investment rationale: growing recognition of the inequality of opportunity between men and women and its fundamental injustice.

Clean Water & Sanitation
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Clean Water & Sanitation

Clean Water & Sanitation

Promotes SDG 6, which aims to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Based on our assessment, we select companies that provide solutions in, for example:

  • water treatment
  • water conservation
  • nature protection

Investment rationale: increasing scarcity of water in the wake of climate change, and a growing understanding of the central role of water in the pursuit of agricultural supply security.

Societal Progress
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Societal Progress

Societal Progress

Promotes SDGs 8, 9, and 10, which aim to foster decent work, innovate for good, and advance global equality.

Based on our assessment, we select companies that provide solutions in, for example:

  • inclusive living
  • elder care
  • public transport
  • basic home care

or stand out for their sustainable innovation potential or are among the world’s best employers.

Investment rationale: The growing need of people to live in a fair, just and progressive society with functioning infrastructure, beyond the coverage of basic needs.

Climate Stability
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Climate Stability

Climate Stability

Supports SDGs 7, 11, and 13, which aim to promote sustainable energy sources, environmentally friendly, sustainable cities and communities, and climate action.  

Based on our assessment, we select companies that provide solutions in, for example:

  • solar, wind or hydropower
  • hydrogen
  • energy efficiency
  • electromobility
  • clean logistics
  • "green" real estate

Investment rationale: the tangibility of the climate crisis, the rising heat and congestion of cities and the growing need for independent energy supplies.

Healthy Ecosystems
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Healthy Ecosystems

Healthy Ecosystems

Promotes SDGs 12, 14 and 15, which aim to advance sustainable consumption and production, conserve oceans, and protect and restore the world’s natural ecosystems.  

Based on our assessment, we select companies that will, for example, actively:

  • promote the circular economy
  • source certified raw materials for their production
  • produce organically

Investment rationale: the growing scarcity of resources, awareness of the increasing pollution of nature, and growing understanding of the role of biodiversity in agricultural supply security.

More information

Information on radicant bank ag’s Sustainability Analysis
EU Taxonomy Reporting
Open account